Staff Transition

Dear Christ Church Family,

Thank you for your strong participation in the services and activities surrounding Holy Week at Christ Church! It was a tremendous week of fellowship with God and one another. Our God and Father continues to bless our community in innumerable ways as he multiplies his grace and peace among us through Jesus Christ by the power of the Spirit.  
In this season of rich blessings, there is also an important staff transition taking place at Christ Church. With a combination of excitement and sadness, our Assistant Pastor of Youth and Families, Alec Cotton, has accepted a call to serve with Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. After eight years of faithful service at Christ Church, Alec and Riley are uniquely fit to assume leadership of this thriving and substantial RUF ministry. We are excited for this development and anticipate a fruitful mission partnership with the Cotton family in the years ahead. Even though the Cottons will be sorely missed, our Session celebrates the opportunity to send out another young minister and his family into the service of the kingdom after a fruitful season of training at Christ Church. 
Alec will continue to serve on staff through mid-June when he will transition into his new duties with RUF. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Sunday, June 11, 2023, for the Summer Classic in which we will celebrate the Cotton family and officially send them off.   
For the parents of students in our youth ministry, we will host a parent’s meeting on April 30, 2023, at 5 pm in the multi-purpose room to communicate details about the transition and our summer plan. In the meantime, please be assured that our Session and staff are actively taking steps to make this a smooth transition for our kids and to hire a new youth director. We are excited about the future of our youth ministry and the new opportunities the Lord is putting before us.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 
Grace and Peace in our risen Savior,

Chuck Colson
Pastor, Christ Church Presbyterian


NEW Director of Student Ministries


Congregational Stewardship